Massage, a way of treating and preventing various diseases, may be an important component of your healthy lifestyle.
"Massage”—an Arabic or Greek word; means in Arabic, “gently applied pressure,” and in Greek, “to touch with a hand.” Now massage is understood as a scientific treatment method of many diseases by systematic manual techniques: stroking, kneading, tapping, and vibration or shaking.
Massage was known in antiquity. In China, it was described 3,000 years before Christ; in India, 700 years before Christ. The Romans used massage to get rid of bruises and tumors on the body after a battle. In Greece, from the time of Hippocrates, the massage was regarded as a remedy helping to cure many diseases.
Over the past 30 years, massage therapy has taken a strong position in medicine, and many prominent doctors in Russia, Germany, France, England and America are engaged in massage therapy.
Touch—the fifth sense. We often underestimate our sense of touch, and the skin, the organ this sense, is one of the largest organs in our body. 2cm2 of skin contains more than 3 million cells, 100 to 300 sweat glands, 50 nerve endings, and about 1 meter of blood vessels. Massage has been beneficial for people for many centuries, strengthening the health, raising vitality, making muscles stronger and the skin more elastic. For some, it prolongs youth; for others, massage returns their vigor or gives a flourishing appearance. For some, massage guarantees good health.
Today massage is one of the methods of recovery, along with exercise and proper nutrition. Massage is an important component in the techniques of working with the body in body-oriented psychotherapy and treatment of psychosomatic diseases.Thai massage is very effective for the musculoskeletal system restoration by helping to restore joints and spine mobility. The patient undertaking Thai massage is an active participant in the process, helping the specialist carry out therapeutic procedures. Some of them are performed by lying on the back, chest, or by sitting.A combination of acupressure with techniques aimed at developing joint flexibility stimulates the removal of toxins from tissues, and has a beneficial effect on the immune system. However, you will also feel a clear increase in your overall tone, both physical and mental, after 2-2.5 hours. Achieving a good workout in all areas requires a lot of time.
Aroma oils are used to help normalize a person’s mental state, raising spirits, and plunging into positive emotions. Essential or aromatic oils have been known since ancient times. In those days they were a sign of high status in society; women throughout history enjoyed all the wonderful varieties of scents.
Our feet have many points associated with different organs of our body; there are about 70,000 nerve endings on the foot. Therefore, foot massage is useful not only for legs but also for general well-being. It improves blood circulation, nourishes the skin, and reduces fatigue. Unfortunately, massage is cautioned against in the case of varicose veins, skin disorders and foot edema. To boost the beneficial effects of massage even more, we can rub a nourishing cream into the skin so that it will become gentle and soft.
Thai massage, unlike traditional massage, necessarily includes a head and a face massage. The Thais give this part of the body special attention because our thoughts are our health. Head and face massage is often called “a touch of the Buddha,” meaning the arrangement of thoughts, distraction from the hustle and immersion of the patient in a meditative state.
Rhassoul clay contains a higher percentage of silica, magnesium, potassium, calcium and other minerals than other clays. Thanks to these minerals, the clay has highly detoxifying qualities. It can actually exchange toxic compounds lying in deep layers of the skin, such as heavy metals, into good minerals. Therefore, the clay not only works to remove impurities from your skin but also enriches your skin with good trace minerals. Furthermore, the clay's high level of ions makes it ideal for toning and nourishing the skin.
Another type of massage recently becoming more and more popular is hot stone massage, or stone therapy. When you first hear about this technique, you might be a little surprised. In fact, the uninitiated person might find it hard to imagine how hot stones can be used for massage. We are here to offer you some information that you may not know, but would like to
Hydromassage is a massage performed by water flow. This is a procedure of the targeted therapeutic impact of pressured water on the human body. The most important thing in this procedure is supplying the air flow to the water and using multiple bubbles formed for the recovery. Hydromassage facilities are installed in swimming pools and bathtubs. There are also separate showers, shower panels and shower hydromassage cabins.